The story revolves around Luisa Palmeira, born in France from Portuguese immigrants. In 1979, Luisa is eight years old. Almost a grown-up in the eyes of her illiterate mother, she remains just a little girl to her hard-drinking father. One day, he trusts her with a heavy secret he suffers from a serious illness. But she refuses to believe him and thinks instead that he is hiding something else from her…
主演:文森特·卡塞尔,Antonio de la Cruz,阿尔巴诺·杰罗尼莫,努诺·洛佩斯,玛里亚娜·希梅内斯,安东尼奥·法古德斯,大卫·奥格尼克,凯瑟琳·蒙切特,布鲁纳·林斯迈耶,热苏伊塔·巴尔博萨,朱利安诺·卡扎雷,Marcos Frota,米格尔·蒙蒂罗,António Vitorino D'Almeida,David Mesquita,卡希安诺·卡尔内罗,露易扎·玛丽安妮,Daniela Fa